Ladies and germs, I relish to say that I am taking JOU 3101 - Reporting this semester at the University of Florida. I regret to say that this class will suspend my activities on this blog.
Reporting requires the completion of an outside story - that is, a story researched outside of class including the words of real people - every week during the semester. The class, professor Mike Foley concedes gleefully, is the hardest course in the College of Journalism and Communications.
I am also assistant director of UF Shakespeare in the Park (name change pending), which will present "Much Ado About Nothing" in the spring of 2010. I plan to give the show no less attention.
With that in mind, I am devoting the lion's share of my energies to my classes and obligations.
Please don't forget about me in the interim! I will return. Thank you, everyone, for reading.
As always, you may contact me - especially if you have tips for stories involving non-mutual friends! - at I also have a Facebook account - search for "Mead Bowen."
Peace and hugs,